
See what clients are saying

and the results they've experienced working with Jillian.

When I was diagnosed with PCOS I was not ovulating or having a regular cycle. I felt frustrated from lack of information from my doctor and the only solution I was offered was to see a fertility specialist to help me conceive.

I was hesitant to invest the time and money on a program that I wasn’t sure would work. I didn’t realize how much I would learn and how much I would enjoy working with Jillian.

Jillian has so much knowledge, is very approachable, and really cares about the women she works with.

Physically, I was able to regain my period, ovulate, and get pregnant naturally! Mentally, I felt more in control and confident in making decisions to support my health.
— Sarah H.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Jillian for the past 9+ months and I always look forward seeing her! Diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 11 and immediately placed on birth control for the past 15+years, I wanted to detox my body and get it ready for pregnancy. Jillian was supportive during my journey. She gave me a new perspective on eating which meant not dieting and actually eating more! It was very shocking to hear but it was a turning point in my relationship with food and balancing my blood sugar to keep my insulin resistant PCOS at bay. After nutrition dense eating, healthy exercise, and Jillian’s recommended supplements, I got pregnant after a few months off of birth control. She continues to be supportive, kind, and flexible during my ups and down in my pregnancy. I look forward to continuing working with her postpartum and beyond.
If you are looking for nutritional support for infertility, PCOS, or just need a new perspective on eating, I would absolutely recommend you see Jillian.
— Elizabeth H.
Working with Jillian was easily the best healthcare experience I’ve ever had. After struggling with weight gain, facial hair, and irregular periods, I was diagnosed with PCOS at 17, put on the birth control pill, and was told to lose weight to make my symptoms go away. I tried all kinds of diets, became very restrictive with foods, and overexercised to the point where I felt like nothing I tried was making any difference in my body. I was having irregular periods, even on the pill, was always exhausted, and no longer knew what was good and healthy for my body.

Jillian changed all of that. When I came to her 9 months ago, I really just wanted to focus on changing my food habits and feel less tired. But Jillian showed me that so much of what I thought was normal about my body - irregular bowel movements, eczema, mood swings, headaches, poor sleep, constant tiredness - were actually side effects of my PCOS, nutritional habits, and my gut microbiome.

Between stool samples, urine analyses, and doing a deep dive into my food, exercise, and sleep habits, we discovered the roots of my problems. I felt like, for the first time, someone was focusing 100% on my individual problems and what might be causing them. Jillian was with me every step of the way, providing resources, words of encouragement, and endless advice to help me overcome any issues that arose.

5 months into the program, I decided to go off my birth control pill - something I hadn’t even considered when starting my work with Jillian - and I was shocked to find that my periods were (and still are!) regular for the first time in my entire life due to the work we’d been doing. My eczema cleared up, my headaches disappeared, my bowel movements became regular, and I have more energy now than I have since I was in middle school (truly!). I walk around now saying, “I can’t believe how good I feel.” Jillian helped me become myself again, and she was absolutely incredible to work with. She is so knowledgable about her field and is incredibly empathetic and understanding. I can’t thank her enough for the impact she’s had my life, and I would recommend her to anyone struggling with PCOS.
— Julia B.
Jillian is, by far, the best health professional I have ever worked with, and I am not exaggerating when I say that she completely changed my life for the better.

For as long as I remember, I’ve struggled with gut issues and hormonal imbalances that have negatively impacted my life — and I had no idea why. I was never able to find a health professional who was willing to get to the root of the problems, and I was prescribed countless medications that only served as bandaids (or made matters worse).

While working with Jillian, never once did I feel like my diet was restricted, and she always went above and beyond to make sure that I had plenty of food options and that I had a routine that felt best for me. Jillian puts SO much thought into her recommendations and into every session, and she makes sure that her client always fully understands what’s going on and why they may be feeling a certain way. She is beyond brilliant, attentive, caring, and just so wonderful to work with. It was bittersweet when our time together ended, but it only ended because she got me to a point where I could live and enjoy life again. THANK YOU, JILLIAN. You’re just the best.
— Leigh B.
Jillian has had an incredible impact on my life. I have been working with Jillian for months now and have seen many positive changes when it comes to my overall relationship with food and eating, as well as my overall health. Through times of transitions and not having a concrete schedule, Jillian really helped me find an approach to food that fits my lifestyle. She also has helped me understand how PCOS affects my body and provided me with tips and tricks to minimize inflammation and blood sugar spikes. I love how there is not a focus on crash diets, but it is rather focusing on a more wholesome lifestyle approach that is not a quick, temporary “fix”.

Not only have I changed unhealthy eating habits, I have seen my outlook and unhealthy thoughts about food change. Instead of looking at foods being “good” or “bad” I think about what I am craving/want and do not restrict what I eat, but rather feed my body both what it wants and needs.

I highly suggest working with Jillian to anyone who is looking for a doable, not diet focused life-change and great support to reach personal goals!
— Kendra S.
I’ve been working with Jill for the past 5 months and couldn’t have asked for a better experience!

I initially reached out to her in hopes of changing my diet to better manage symptoms related to PCOS and never would have thought I would have seen such a positive impact not just with PCOS but with my entire lifestyle. Jill is so knowledgable and took the time to understand my issues and how it affects my personally, not just a generalize view. Since day one she made sure we are working together to find what works for me. Her entire attitude and approach to health is contagious and has completely changed how I approach managing PCOS and my health in general.

If you are someone suffering with PCOS, another dietary condition, or just someone looking to remove “dieting” and become a healthier person with trusted guidance you are in the best hands with Jill!
— Kelsie L.
I have worked with Jillian since July of last year, and she has very much improved my complex relationship to food, which is no easy task. My junior year of college, I was diagnosed with PCOS, which wreaked havoc on my self esteem and body issues. Most doctors advised me to lose weight and even implied that my fertility abilities later in life would depend on it. I visited various nutritionists, one in which made me very fearful to eat carbs and even a banana. Needless to say, working with Jillian has been a welcome departure from previous providers. Jillian is not only extremely warm and empathetic, but incredibly knowledgeable.

Jillian has empowered me with knowledge and tips to manage my PCOS and make healthy and informed decisions for myself. I feel much more confident in my body and have noticed tremendous improvements in my relationship to food. Jillian has taught me that “success” means more than a number on a scale. Of course, it’s an ongoing process, but I am very grateful to Jillian and feel confident that anyone (with PCOS or not) would greatly benefit from working with her.
— Jamie F.
I’ve been seeing Jillian for nutrition therapy for one year this month. I first started seeing her after being diagnosed with Celiac Disease and continued seeing her through my pregnancy. Over the last year I’ve met various medical professionals given the celiac and the pregnancy and Jillian is the only provider who has holistically looked at my health. Every other provider - all experts in their own right, certainly - is so siloed in their respective speciality and looked at me more as a specific body part rather than an entire person. As a result, I truly believe that Jillian has provided the best care of anyone because she always takes into account my entire body and all of my symptoms. There is no way I could have figured out how to navigate the celiac, the pregnancy or my health overall without her expertise and guidance. If for any reason you are considering meeting with a dietitian, I give Jillian my highest recommendation and look forward to continuing to work with her postpartum. Her style is direct and she takes a non-diet approach so anyone will be in good hands with Jillian!
— Erin S.
Working with Jillian has been the best investment I’ve made in my health journey. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2017 and was treated by being told to lose weight and go on birth control. I’ve also struggled with body image issues and disordered eating for almost my entire life. Jillian has been an incredible resource for me to better understand my PCOS condition and has helped me make huge improvements in my self esteem and body image. I love that she embraces the Health at Every Size movement and focuses on blood work — not weight — as a measure of health. I was very hesitant to work with a dietitian for so many years for fear that I would be put on a 1200 calorie per day diet plan. That couldn’t be further from what my experience has been with Jillian. We don’t even talk about calories, instead we focus on a balanced plate and eating to avoid blood sugar spikes and manage insulin resistance (two focus areas for women with PCOS). I highly recommend working with Jillian,she’s awesome!”
— Hannah G.
  • Diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 11 and immediately placed on birth control for the past 15+ years, I wanted to detox my body and get it ready for pregnancy. Jillian was supportive during my journey. She gave me a new perspective on eating which meant not dieting and actually eating more! It was very shocking to hear but it was a turning point in my relationship with food and balancing my blood sugar to keep my insulin resistant PCOS at bay. After nutrient dense eating, healthy exercise, and Jillian's recommended supplements, I got pregnant after a few months off of birth control.

    Elizabeth H.

  • Jillian helped me change my entire perspective on food and my PCOS in general. My hair loss stopped completely and naturally during our second month working together. My skin has cleared up itself. I threw out my scale and I'm feeling the best I've ever felt in my own skin.

    Niamh G.

  • I can’t recommend working with Jillian enough. After not having my period for years, being diagnosed with PCOS and being told by my doctor I probably wouldn’t be able to ever have a natural cycle I found Jillian online and figured it was worth a shot.. After three months working with Jillian, I have a regular cycle, clear skin, and regular digestion all while eating and doing the things I enjoy.

    Natalie D.

  • Jillian understands the emotional struggles for PCOS, that can weigh heavier than the physical, and helps you make small, attainable changes toward overall health without slipping into a diet mentality. Since I started working with Jillian, my skin is completely clear of my cystic acne, I have more energy and my overall anxiety has decreased drastically. I feel more confident in all aspects of my life that I have the tools I need to be happy and healthy.

    Michaela B.

  • Before this PCOS program, I had a distorted view of what was healthy. I also had no idea that certain things I did were negatively affecting my health. Mentally, I feel like I have a healthier relationship with food already. Physically, my digestive issues have almost completely vanished.

    Rosalie G.

  • Mentally, I feel so much more loving towards my body. I don’t feel the need to restrict my body of what it needs, instead I finally know that I can give it healthy nourishment in abundance. Physically, I learned the kinds of foods my body loves and also doesn’t love. My digestive health has never felt better!

    Tara H.

  • Working with Jillian has been a transformational experience! She is such a lovely person who makes me feel empowered. Since working with Jillian, I wake up feeling energized versus swollen, puffy, and bloated. I no longer crash in the afternoon. My cravings for sweets subsided. My skin is the clearest it has been in years and even my acne scars have lightened. Also, my knee pain went away!

    Abby M.

  • Jillian was an amazing leader and I was so impressed with this program. I learned more in this program than I’d ever been told in the last 16 years about PCOS. I feel more energized and feel like I have more food and fitness freedom. It’s nice to feel good and confident in these decisions, knowing that I’m listening to my body. It's been super helpful to actually learn about the triggers of PCOS and how to alleviate symptoms.

    Juliette B.

  • By incorporating the mindset and dietary changes recommended by Jillian, I quickly saw the results: my period on a regular schedule! However the most valuable thing I learned with this experience was the importance of getting more educated (with a professional!) rather than just guessing and trying new things without understanding the PCOS root causes.

    Aline N.

I came to Jillian after deciding to come off birth control and start focusing on preconception care. Before birth control I experienced years of painful and heavy periods and I felt like my doctor’s advice of just starting a prenatal wasn’t enough.

I signed up for the 6 month program which allowed me to do initial tests and then retests to see how I was progressing. From our sessions, Jillian showed me how to eat for balanced blood sugar as well as some small tweaks I can make to optimize meals I already enjoy. I also followed a supplement protocol designed specifically for me to target areas where I needed extra support.

Working with Jillian I focused on my diet, exercise, stress management, and specific issues that came up from my labs. Through all of this I was able to treat anxiety naturally and come off of anxiety medication, eliminate severe bloating, stopped getting random hives, stopped having night sweats, and I didn’t have the severe cramps I was afraid that would come back after birth control. And most importantly, I found out I was pregnant right before our last session together! I feel confident that my body is now ready for this new chapter in my life equipped with a healthy gut, balanced hormones, and a good mindset!
— Stephanie T.
I can’t fully put into words how much Jillian has changed my life through transforming my understanding of and relationship with food.

She truly cares about her clients, and is willing to do what it takes to get them the care that they need. She provided me with an individualized experience, and worked to go beyond basic nutritional tools to target my specific needs. She seemed honestly invested in my health journey and my personal path, and provided support well beyond what I came in expecting.

Jillian is a brilliant nutritionist, caring person, and true advocate for health. I credit her with changing my understanding of food and nutrition, and I am grateful to have been able to work with her. Each of our meetings were filled with realistic advice, positive energy, and insightful comments.

I would recommend Jillian to anyone and everyone!
— Michaela S.
Everyone should work with a nutritionist and it should be with Jillian Greaves.

Before I met Jillian, I thought I was a failure, because I didn’t have a handle on my nutrition. Then, I quickly realized, we all have room to enhance our daily nutritional intake to live our healthiest life inthe present and future. Jillian breaks down the whole concept of daily nutrition into small manageable steps. She is a kind, realistic, and non-judgemental nutritionist who teaches her client show to take a positive approach on their food intake and meal planning. Jillian is a human “google”who suggests recipes, pre/post workout meals, grocery shopping planning, etc. When you work with Jillian, you will learn to take a gentle and positive approach about your body’s nutritional needs. Jillian is an excellent communicator who consistently checks in with her clients. She is passionate and knowledgeable about nutrition. The approach she uses with me, makes me excited about making positive changes to be my healthiest self.

I am so grateful, I followed my intuition to reach out to Jillian to schedule an appointment. It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, I hope you do the same!
— Michelle A.
I am so grateful to have worked with Jillian this year. I was experiencing severe hormonal breast pain and was unsatisfied with the care that I had received from my conventional PCP and the BI Breast Clinic. After multiple mammograms, biopsies and several dr’s appts, and no answers, I was desperate for help. Jillian was the answer to my prayers and helped me demystify my hormones while helping me successfully improve my symptoms through nutrition, supplements and lifestyle changes. Jillian offered so much support with meal planning, recipes, educated me on how to support my body in reducing excess estrogen, and helped me learn to simplify where I needed it. I never expected to learn so much about myself and my relationship with food through this journey but Jillian’s expertise and guidance was a game changer. In my time working with Jillian, I have improved menstrual cycles, dramatically less breast pain and a renewed relationship with myself and food. I am indebted to the support that she gave me and for the tools that she has given me to support my body. I can’t recommend Jillian enough if you’re experiencing hormonal challenges and need an advocate for your health. Also, I know that I’ll be cooking some of your recipes for life. Thank you, Jillian for everything that you do for women’s health!
— Linda C.
Working with Jillian has been transformational experience! She is such a lovely person who makes me feel empowered.

I was told on and off I have PCOS since the age of 16. Once I turned 23, I began seeing Jillian when I felt dominated by my symptoms. Growing up not exposed to functional medicine, I followed regimes of birth control, antibiotics, and harsh acne medicines (Accutane included) only seeing temporary results, if any at all. Jillian and I began working at the root of my symptoms and the results were outstanding!

I wake up feeling energized versus swollen, puffy, and bloated. I no longer crash in the afternoon. My cravings for sweets subsided. My skin is the clearest it has has been in years and even my acne scars have lightened. Also, my knee pain went away!

Jillian has provided me with a foundation for my future health. I recommend her to everyone because she truly is the best!
— Abby H.
I’ve been someone who has struggled with stomach issues for as long as I can remember. Every diagnosis I received was a blanket statement of IBS, and over the years I’d have what I thought were flare ups. It wasn’t until I stopped taking hormonal birth control after 12 years that my health started to go haywire. I gained more weight than I was comfortable with, but more concerning was the extreme bloat and horrible periods.

Enter: Jillian. I came to her feeling defeated by a lack of solutions provided by my PCP. She quickly devised a plan to hormone test as well as additional testing for digestive issues - both tests provided data and information that I may of never known had she not listened to my concerns and taken action. Over the course of one year, she was able to guide me back to a place of stability, both hormonally, with digestive issues, and nutritionally.

Jillian is truly understanding of the female body, in that if something feels off, it likely is - and that was a massive aide in my progress. She provided the right testing, supplements, and nutritional knowledge needed to abolish my symptoms. I now have normal (and cramp free!!!) periods due to Jillian’s thorough assessment and vast knowledge of hormonal health. On top of that (as well as probably connected), she was able to run the additional tests to determine the best go ahead for the remaining digestive problems, and they are also on the mend.

No woman should have to live in discomfort. It’s incredibly freeing to move forward in life having applicable nutritional know-how, an easy period week, and a stable stomach - all of which I would’ve previously just “lived with”. Thank you again to Jillian for changing the course of my health and wellness; she is absolutely the best choice for anyone struggling through the same issues!
— Michela F.
Working with Jillian was such a blessing! After years of struggling with IBS and no help from doctors, she helped me get my gut health under control. She enabled me to change my relationship with food, establish healthy eating habits, and heal my stomach pains. I’m so thankful for my time with Jillian and HIGHLY recommend her!
— Starr I.
As a dietitian myself who has seen multiple dietitians, I can safely say I have a lot of experience with this stuff on both sides! After healing from SIBO and yeast overgrowth once, I decided to see Jillian again when I could tell my symptoms were back a second time. Around the same time I had also gone on the pill which totally messed me up hormonally. After coming off it, she helped straighten out my gut and my hormones and I feel better now than ever before. She has the best testing, supplements, and evidenced based care at her fingertips to get you feeling better. Jillian takes the time to really work through the underlying causes of your symptoms to get to the bottom of the way you’re feeling. I am so grateful for her guidance and support and would highly recommend her to anyone with GI or women’s health issues!
— Alexis P.

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