Jillian Greaves Functional Nutrition & Wellness

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Digestive Bitters Benefits

Digestive Bitters Benefits

In the realm of natural health and wellness, digestive bitters stand out as an ancient and under-appreciated tool for improving digestive health and blood sugar balance. Incorporating digestive bitters into your daily routine has several benefits. Let’s dive into the science behind bitters, the benefits digestive bitters have on your overall health, and my easy ways to start adding them into your daily routine!

The Science Behind Bitters

The concept of utilizing bitter compounds for health benefits is not new. These compounds, naturally found in a plethora of plant foods, engage bitter taste receptors in the mouth and throughout the body. This activation triggers a cascade of stimulatory effects on digestive secretions and gut hormones critical for optimal digestion, gut motility, appetite regulation, and blood sugar management. Incorporating bitter foods or concentrated bitter tinctures into one's diet can significantly stimulate essential digestive secretions such as saliva, stomach acid, and bile, necessary for breaking down, digesting, and absorbing nutrients effectively.

Digestion and Gut Health

A healthy microbiome is foundational to overall health, and supporting digestion is the first step toward achieving it. Bitters have been shown to enhance the secretion of vital gut hormones like CCK, GLP-1, and ghrelin, which not only delays gastric emptying but also improves satiety. This, in turn, aids in the enhanced release and utilization of insulin, contributing to better blood sugar regulation post-meal.

Foods Rich in Bitters and Easy Ways to Incorporate Them

A variety of foods are rich in bitter compounds, including:

  • Bitter greens (e.g., arugula, dandelion greens, radicchio)

  • Citrus fruits and their zest

  • Cranberries

  • Fermented foods

  • Vinegars

  • Coffee and matcha

  • Cacao

  • Bitter tinctures

Incorporating bitters into your diet can be both simple and enjoyable. Some easy methods include:

  • Utilizing a bitter tincture approximately 15 minutes before meals.

  • Adding bitter greens to salads and bowls.

  • Sipping on dandelion root tea.

  • Enhancing smoothies with frozen cranberries or cacao powder.

  • Consider incorporating JUJ Digestive Bitters before meals or in a fun mocktail for functional benefits


Digestive bitters offer a natural and effective pathway to enhance your digestive health and manage blood sugar levels. By integrating digestive bitters through foods and tinctures into your diet, you unlock a host of benefits that contribute to overall well-being. If you’re seeking personalized support and guidance on how to effectively eliminate gut and hormone symptoms, our team of functional dietitians is here to help. Apply to work with us and discover the tailored strategies and suggestions that can optimize your health and eliminate your symptoms.