How to Increase Fertility in Women

How to Increase Fertility in Women

Fertility is often thought of as something that either happens naturally or doesn’t, and is mostly out of our control. But the truth is, there are SO many things you can do to optimize your fertility. Modifiable diet and lifestyle factors have a significant impact on fertility, pregnancy, and the overall health trajectory of offspring. Both male and female fertility are important, and recent studies even suggest that male factors, like sperm health, play a huge role in successful conception.

If you're currently trying to conceive (TTC) or planning to in the next year, there are impactful changes that you can starting making now to support and optimize fertility. Here are some of the most effective areas to focus on:

1. Balance Blood Sugar

Research shows that even women without pre-diabetes or diabetes can experience fertility challenges due to imbalanced blood sugar. Riding the blood sugar roller-coaster can negatively impact egg quality, drive menstrual cycle irregularities, delay conception, and increase the time to pregnancy. Keeping your blood sugar balanced is one of the most foundational things you can do for hormonal health and fertility.

In a study involving 766 women, women that had higher blood sugar levels within a normal range experienced irregular menstrual cycles, lower chances of getting pregnant in any given cycle, and a longer time to conception. In practice we work with many women with “normal” blood sugar parameters that still experience symptoms significant symptoms of blood sugar imbalance and are struggling to conceive, making it a commonly overlooked factor.

By stabilizing blood sugar through nutrition & lifestyle —you can significantly improve your chances of conceiving. Some quick blood sugar balancing tips:

  • Eat consistent meals starting with breakfast

  • Focus on mostly whole, unprocessed foods

  • Pair carbohydrates with protein, fat & fiber

  • Break up sedentary time and incorporate plenty of walking

  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule with the goal of 7-9 hours nightly

  • Avoid diet trends like intermittent fasting, low-carb, or keto, which may worsen blood sugar imbalances and disrupt fertility

2. Optimize Nutrient Intake & Antioxidant Status

Egg and sperm quality are heavily influenced by nutrient intake, especially antioxidants. These nutrients help protect reproductive cells from oxidative stress and damage, which is critical for conception. Be sure to incorporate plenty of antioxidant-rich foods like dark leafy greens, berries, pomegranates, beets, green tea, herbs and spices . Consider supplements like a high-quality prenatal, along with EPA + DHA for supporting both egg and sperm health.

3. Support Your Thyroid Health

Your thyroid plays an essential role in regulating metabolism, including reproductive functions. Thyroid hormone impacts every organ and system in your body, making it crucial for fertility. Thyroid dysfunction is common, and even subclinical imbalances can affect your chances of conceiving. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, hair loss, brain fog, and always feeling cold, while hyperthyroidism may cause weight loss, anxiety, and increased sweating.

To assess thyroid function, request a full thyroid panel that includes:

  • Free T4

  • Free T3

  • Reverse T3

  • TSH

  • TPO & Tg antibodies

Balancing blood sugar and supporting your thyroid are key when it comes to regulating hormone levels and boosting fertility. Request a full thyroid panel early on (ideally before you're even actively TTC) so you can support any abnormalities with nutrition and lifestyle strategies effectively.

4. Minimize Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are substances that interfere with hormonal systems and can have significant effects on fertility. These chemicals are found in everyday products like plastics, cleaning supplies, and personal care products. Some of the most well-studied EDCs include BPA, PFAS, phthalates, and parabens. Higher exposure to these EDCs is associated with poor reproductive outcomes and poor fertility in both women and men.

While it's impossible to completely eliminate exposure to EDCs, making small but impactful changes like swapping plastic containers for glass, switching from non-stick to cast iron cookware, and using non-toxic cleaning products can help reduce exposures. Supporting your body’s natural detoxification processes with adequate hydration, nutrient-dense foods, and stress management will also help you metabolize and eliminate these chemicals.

5. Boost Pelvic Blood Flow

Optimal blood flow to reproductive organs is essential for ovarian health, egg quality, and successful implantation. Many people are unaware that poor circulation can hinder conception, but blood flow plays a critical role in delivering oxygen and nutrients to the ovaries and uterus, supporting progesterone production, and transporting reproductive hormones throughout the body.

Incorporating foods that increase nitric oxide production in the body, like beets, garlic, and dark leafy greens, can enhance blood flow and oxygenation. Other ways to support optimal blood flow include castor oil packs, acupuncture, yoga, and breaking up sedentary time with more movement throughout the day.

6. Reduce Stress and Support Nervous System Health

Chronic stress can impair fertility by disrupting hormonal balance and negatively affecting your circadian rhythm, cortisol levels, thyroid hormone conversion, and overall well-being. The #1 goal when it comes to fertility is prioritizing safety in the body! Prioritizing outlets for stress reduction, such as yoga, meditation, breath-work, and ensuring proper sleep hygiene, can have a significant impact on improving fertility outcomes.

7. Unexplained Infertility: There's More to the Story

If you've been diagnosed with unexplained infertility, it's easy to feel frustrated and disempowered. Unexplained infertility means you’re ovulating regularly, your fallopian tubes are open, and your partner’s semen analysis is normal. However, fertility is often impacted by many other factors, including gut imbalances, blood sugar issues, chronic inflammation, and even mitochondrial health.

This is why a deeper dive into clinical imbalances is essential. There is almost always more to the story, and addressing these underlying imbalances with personalized nutrition, lifestyle strategies, and targeted supplements can make a big difference in your fertility journey.

In Summary

Fertility is influenced by a variety of modifiable factors, and the steps you take today can make a significant impact on your chances of conceiving. Balancing blood sugar, supporting thyroid health, reducing exposure to endocrine disruptors, improving pelvic blood flow, and reducing stress are just a few of the effective strategies for optimizing fertility.

If you’re currently trying to conceive or plan to start your TTC journey soon, our team of functional registered dietitians is here to help! Through advanced testing, personalized nutrition, and lifestyle strategies, we’ve supported countless women in their fertility journeys. Ready to start optimizing your fertility? Apply today to work with us 1:1 and get the support you need for your unique fertility needs.


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